Monday, August 22, 2011

Numero Uno!

Well, since this is my first post, I guess I should post something about myself.

I'm not a good writer. Eeyup, it's true.
Continuing from there, I am a self-proclaimed nerd. But i hate labels. I don't enjoy labels because there is much more to an individual than what anyone stereotypically perceives. I guess this blog will just be what's going on in my life or what's on my mind at the time.

For instance, it's 11:55am at this moment and I can't seem to fall asleep and get some relaxation before class at 5pm. The fragmented memories of events and people racing in my mind made it impossible to fall asleep. It might also be the fact that it's 80 degrees inside my room right now. But enough on that.

Questions, questions...  I have no clear answer why I am giving birth to this blog or where it is going. This may be my journal, or perhaps it will be a way to dump my ideas out of my head so I can actually sleep. This may even be the only auto biographical record of my brief existence and this may be a way for my great great great --- grandchildren to have known who I was. Maybe i'll be a famous person one day and this will be the first chapter of a best seller, haha.. but probably not.

Any-who; this blog is not for the faint of heart, high in morals or soft in skull. (something to that effect) I plan to use vulgar language when appropriate or reminiscing about something really really retarded. If I offend the PC viewers, or Sarah Palin lovers, I apologize... kinda.. .. .. not really.

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