Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Madness in my Head (6)

Week of Mar 4, 2012.
Day: Sunday
Feeling: Scruffy, need to shave & crazy
Currently listening to:
"Find Your Love" Drake, Thank me Later 
"Forever" Papa Roach, The Paramour Sessions
Goals this week: 
  • Go to every  class. 
  • Go to bed before midnight 
  • Take time to secure a research position or internship
  • Take out the trash. Forreal.
Other comments: I need to get out of Jury duty somehow...

Class & Headaches
Well I've finally made it through my first round of exams this semester only to get to the second round of exams this week. Yaay. Sometimes I think I'm doing a good job staying on top of my classes but when it comes to exam time it swings either way. I crammed fairly intensely for an Instrumental Analysis lecture exam last weekend and I thought I failed it after I took it. Either there was a massive curve on it or I actually managed to guess the right answers because I got a B. That's good I suppose. On the other hand, I have an environmental chemistry class where I am getting 100% on most of the homework assignments and have gone to every lecture and read the book a little bit for the exam but after that exam on Wednesday, I went and had a beer with a classmate to wash away the headache. I had heard that the class was fairly difficult, shoulda listened.. oh well. One good thing happened this week, I managed to lose my watch for a good two weeks when it was just next to my night stand in my bedroom.Yay.

At this point in my life I seem to be inexplicably crunching away from communicating with my friends and family. I do have the time to talk to all of them I suppose, but it seems that I don't really want to take the effort to even respond to text messages let alone flat out calling them. A friend of mine said that I seem to be "stressed out" lately, which is probably why I'm having trouble sleeping a regular sleep schedule. I do need to write three IA lab reports and get working on my final project in that class, bleh...

The game
I told a female classmate this week who called me a "friend" that I've been doing that friend zone shit with women way too often and that I'd rather just stay acquaintances and have a better chance of getting laid. Sure we study together from time to time; and I naturally have a charismatic outgoing demeanor, but that doesn't automatically mean we're friends. I guess they just want me to be their friends because I can connect with them just as much as their friends. I can connect with most people on a variety of topics because I'm an elitest social group floater. Perhaps I need to make it abundantly clear to them that I'm not looking to make more short term friends, especially ones who I'd rather get into bed with than meet for coffee or go rock climbing with.

I am a nice person, most of the time. Sometimes friendships with the opposite sex do have their benefits, sometimes they have their downsides. Honestly though, I don't want to have a girl as a wingman whenever I go out b/c it's often assumed that we're a couple. It feels like I'm being insulted if a woman wants to me to be her friend because I appear to be a safe "nice guy". I'd rather them hate me for being a complete asshole who wants to occasionally get laid. Honestly, how the fuck can you know me if the only thing we do together is study? Fuck you and your assumptions.

That's the culture we live in today, sure you can break up with someone, because they're "not good for you," or "doesn't have a future with you" but as long as the sex is good, there's really no point to stop seeing them for the occasional screw. Yeah, more than one of my female acquaintances life stories.
Am I the only one who thinks that's a little fucked in the head? March madness in my head.

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